Class 11 AI Chapter - AI for Everyone Topic - Intelligence - Arvindzeclass - NCERT Solutions

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Class 11 AI Chapter - AI for Everyone Topic - Intelligence

Chapter - Artificial Intelligence for Everyone
Class 11 AI Notes

What is Intelligence?

Intelligence means a skill to get knowledge and apply it in daily life, so Intelligence can be defined as:

1) It is the ability of thinking and understanding their surroundings.
2) It is a continuous process of learning and adapting in real world.
3) It is a process of gaining experience and working smartly.
4) It is a skill of finding causes, reasons, and inventing new things.
5) It is a capability to find solutions of unexpected problems.

Explain the different types of Intelligence.

Intelligence is a multi dimensional platform. Everyone is unique and posses different kind of Intelligence. In general Intelligence can be divided into nine categories.

types of intelligence
Types of Intelligence
1) Interpersonal Intelligence: Interpersonal Intelligent persons are good in understanding feelings and perspectives of other persons. They are good in communication with others.

2) Logical Intelligence: Logical Intelligent persons are good in complex calculations, in logical intelligence, and in analyzing patterns. They are good in science and maths.

3) Musical Intelligence: Musical Intelligent persons are in musical compositions, in rhythms, and in musical patterns. They are good in singing and playing instruments.

4) Naturalist Intelligence: Naturalist Intelligent person are good in understanding nature, animals, and forest. They love spending time in nature.

5) Intra-personal Intelligence: Intra-personal Intelligent persons understand own thoughts, feeling. They are introvert. Writers, Poets, and Novelists have Intra-personal Intelligence.

6) Linguistic Intelligence: Linguistic Intelligent persons are good in using language. They play with words and love reading, writing works. Poets, Novelists have such types of intelligence.

7) Kinesthetic Intelligence: Kinesthetic Intelligent persons have good body-eye coordination, such persons are good Athletes, Surgeons, and Dancer.

8) Visual Intelligence: Visual Intelligent persons are good in colors, Images, and reasoning, such persons are Artists, Painter, and Architects.

9) Religious Intelligence: Religious Intelligent persons are deep thinkers. They ask questions about life, death, and birth.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Intelligence is combination of information and reasoning. AI is not natural Intelligence but behaves like human Intelligence. AI is human-made machine which works like human brain.

Application Of AI
Application Of AI
Examples of AI:
1) AI base self-driven cars can identify humans, animals. It stops at red signal and starts wipers in rain.

2) AI based robots can communicate in human language and interact like human beings. Example Sophia

AI is Not:
AI is a machine that works like human brain but it isn’t natural intelligence, so it has some limitations.

1) AI doesn’t have emotional intelligence like human beings.

2) AI doesn’t mean automation. If machines work automatically, it doesn’t mean AI. Until a machine take decisions itself, we can’t AI.

What are the categories of Artificial Intelligence?

There are three categories of Artificial Intelligence.

1) Narrow AI: Narrow AI systems are programmed to perform specific tasks. It is also called week AI. It focuses on a single task. For example: Google Assistant, Siri, Cortana, and self driven-cars.

2) General AI: General AI can do many things like human brain. It is also called strong AI. It has human cognitive abilities and can find solution of any problem without human intervention as shown in many movies like The Terminator. It is believed that the General AI is still centuries away.

Who is Johan McCarthy in Artificial Intelligence?

Johan McCarthy(1927-2011) is a computer scientist and cognitive scientist who coined the term Artificial Intelligence in 1955. He started famous Dartmouth conference in Summer 1956. This conference started AI as a field. Johan McCarty invented LISP in the late 1950s which became the programming language for AI application.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of AI over human Intelligence?

There are many advantages and disadvantages of AI over human Intelligence.

Advantages of AI:
1) AI system has low error rate in comparison to human brain. It has incredible speed and accuracy, and it efficiency doesn’t drop with time.

2) AI system can work in extreme conditions where human can’t go as they can explore in space. They can perform dangerous tasks.

3) AI system can replace human in repetitive tasks as driverless-car.

4) AI system can organize and manage large amount of data.

5) AI system can think logically as it has no emotion so it will take rational decisions.

6) Al system can be used for entertainment. It can interact with human as robotic pets and can be used for video games

Disadvantages of AI:
1) AI system can be used for destruction if goes in wrong hands.

2) AI system can’t think outside the algorithm.

3) AI system has no emotions like human beings.

4) AI system can lead to unemployment as they can do many tasks.

5) It cost a lot of money and time to build AI system.

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